Tuesday, July 6, 2010

First. Ramly Burger = Satisfaction.
Today was a boring yet tiring day. Report card day. Convo between mummy and I.
" Miee, tomorrow is report card day. You coming ah? "
" Ah? must come meh? No need la, i kan know you well enough dy. "
" Come laa.." " Don't wan laa."  -__- Awesome.
Okay, practically, school was boring. But with all the monkeys in my class, it was okay, i guess.. Singing, drawing, eating, screaming... Fun. Then, V and i went over to AmCorp for lunch. We spoke for like hours..It was nice. Sharing secrets.. Sighs.. it really has been long since we had that talk. :) Had a great screaming session over at V's place. We were soo loud, we couldn't hear V's grandma calling for her at the door. xS
Got a little screwing for that.. Shrugss. Rushed home for tuition. I had only 10 minutes to take my bath, eat, pack and leave the house. I managed to beat time. Reached tuition at 8.05p.m. As i was waiting to get an ear-full from teacher for not completing my homework, teacher reminded me that i acctually handed in my work for this during the other class two days ago. For a second, i acctually wondered whether he was talking about me, but yeah, then my brain finally decided to give in. Yay, Prev! : )  Never've been so proud of myself. Hehe. On the way back home, dad stopped infront of this burger stall. He took out a ten ringgit note and asked me to go get it. :O I was like, you serious? Yes, he was. Had a great dinner. Ramly!! You, don't ask me why? I've got a reason to why i feel the way i do, do you? I thought so. xD Oh, Baby Forest is wrestling with Patrick. I think Patrick needs surgery. FOREST!!!  Well, i guess that's all for today. Good night jelly beans.. Loves.

"You'll be my Hero.."

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