Sunday, January 30, 2011


Couldn't go TUITION! Gahh. So annoyed. Hmm, well.. Life has been quite good. Beside the fact i had to leave somethings behind. :O Oh well.. If i'd ever go back, then i might pick it up. Might. :D SPM. Ish, the words, S, P, and M just don't go well together. >:( Before i forget, Thank you Mae! :D For the pretty blog skin. :D hee. I <3 it. *bows*
        On the other hand, brain lagg with too many things to think about. I mean, unless you're brainless, then you probably wont have the ability and time to think of and about things. *ding* Just as i thought. Liess. I hate em. Let me see how far these things can go. Break your face. This is my way of saying GOOD LUCK. :D hehe. Back to reality. Emm, concerto. :D Ahh, can't wait. Soo many songs.. so many things to do.. so LITTLE time! :S I need inspiration. Like now! :] Imma go draw. I miss you book.

Loves. =)
P.s: If having half the world "love" you is a good thing, then you can keep up the "good" work. ") (you were supposed to read it.)