Raisin cookies that look like chocolate chip cookies are the main reason i have trust issues.
How many times do you want to tell the world your problem? I mean, okay, you need to talk, so? Done, get over it. The point of "wanting to talk to someone", is so you can get the burden off. But telling one after another? It's not the pain that's bothering you, its just that you're wanting to show the world how much, you so called "don't care" about the thing you're always complaining about, so people can go, "aww, what a pity". Get a grip, seriously. You complain about the world, and how they are so off their track, and careless about things, have you ever wondered what you're like? Have you ever wondered what if you were treated they way you treat them? Obviously you'd deny it. Because you're so driven into this whole "nice person" act, you can't even see past your own makeup. Say all you want. Threaten me all you can. Cause to you, i'm just messed up. List down all the people you've bitched about, and cursed with anger. Not one would stand beyond the line. WASH THE DAMN MAKEUP OFF YOUR FACE. You're not going to get anything out of being this person you are now. Your lies, are all out in front. Your backstabbing words are shining bright. Things that you thought i didn't know, i know them now. I made a big mistake, believing that this would never come up. It only never came up because i never made a big deal out of it. You make scenes like you're in a movie. Why did you have to become this, this thing. It's such a pity. From who they thought you we're and to who you are becoming. It's too late, i mean it. I gave up, on trying to get people to stick to who they are, and i'm especially tired of going through this shit over and over again with you. I respect you, and your decisions. So go on, make use of someone else, i quit. I'll get used to it.

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