Life is like a balloon, you'll never know when it pops.
Hello bloggy. Exam is like gonna END, soon. Two more days to be more precise. Can't wait. The sad sad thing is that ICC, is on my BIRTHDAY! Why? == Haha, sweet sixteen? :/ sad eh? I know. Well, the good thing is, i can hang out with my Besties!! haha. I've no mood for my birthday. I'm more into ICC now. Hehe. I LOVE BALLOONS. Oh and Dinosaurs! They're soo colorful. *in my world*
OMG! My dad just made me climb a LADDER. A LADDER!! Man my heart felt like a balloon that went out of control. xP
Ok, back to me. Haha
You know, i was thinking. I really wonder WHO reads my blog. I mean, i never linked anyone. Never told any. So who, other than V. Oo
*Hello, person reading my blog. Nice to meet you. :) Even if i might know you, HI!!
You know, i really feel like i'm talking to myself. Meet my imaginary friend, Bubbles. Bubbles, meet 'PERSON'.
That's all for today. I guess. Maybe tonight. Oh well. Bye! xD
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