Yo, blog. Well, its not new to see me here only when i'm dying of too many questions in my head. Well, like when people want things, and they really want to have it, they do everything under the sun to get it. When they have it, they love it and learn to love it even more.. : ) when you really love something, and when you can't have it, you learn to let go. In many situations, i have. But in this case, its not an issue, but i wont let go. Even if it does hurt me, i will strive to make it happen. Its the best thing that has happened to me and out of my stupid curiosity, i'm making it hard for myself to live with it. Like they say, when you know the outcome is bad, don't go looking for it, cause eventually it will hunt you down instead. Love in this case, can't be measured.. Mine too. :) Ily.